The Global Press Institute has released its 2024 Global Press Institute Index, shedding light on media organizations’ biases, particularly their portrayal of key international issues. This study delves into the […]
International Education Qualification Framework
International Education Qualification Framework Level Stage Education Level Language Level Credit Hours 0 Early Childhood Education Pre-KG to UKG (Kindergarten) N/A N/A 1 Primary Education (Lower Primary) Classes 1 to […]
when aeunkno printer took galley of scrambled
Horem ipsum dolor sitter metting Great consectetur adipiscing idealorem ipsum dolor sitter mettingtablished of a page when lookinThe point of using Lorem Ipsu ss normal distribution.est, qui dolor emr ipsum […]
Full Stack GraphQL With Next.js And Vercel
Horem ipsum dolor sitter metting Great consectetur adipiscing idealorem ipsum dolor sitter mettingtablished of a page when lookinThe point of using Lorem Ipsu ss normal distribution.est, qui dolor emr ipsum […]
What Leonardo Teach us About Web Design
Horem ipsum dolor sitter metting Great consectetur adipiscing idealorem ipsum dolor sitter mettingtablished of a page when lookinThe point of using Lorem Ipsu ss normal distribution.est, qui dolor emr ipsum […]
The Potentially Dangerous Non Accessibility Of Cookie Notices
Horem ipsum dolor sitter metting Great consectetur adipiscing idealorem ipsum dolor sitter mettingtablished of a page when lookinThe point of using Lorem Ipsu ss normal distribution.est, qui dolor emr ipsum […]
Autism rates have increased and show differences in ethnic minorities
Around one in 57 (1.76%) children in the UK is on the autistic spectrum, significantly higher than previously reported, according to a study of more than seven million children
Most students say their mental health suffered in pandemic
On average 56% of university students worldwide said their mental health suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic, in a survey of about 17,000 students in 21 countries that was conducted for, an educational technology and textbook rental firm in the United States.
Most students pleased with their digital learning
Both higher education and further education students surveyed noted the huge benefits of flexible learning, with lecture recordings proving helpful for note-taking and scheduling learning around other aspects of life. Some students enjoy the comfort and convenience of studying at home, as well as feeling more in control.
Gender inequality in higher education persists
Recent research has provided evidence that the gender gap in higher education has declined very little in recent decades and closely matches the continued gender inequality in the labour market.