oxhar Business School

Pre-Primary EducationPre-Kindergarten (Pre-KG)3+1 year
Primary EducationLower Kindergarten (LKG)4+1 year
Upper Kindergarten (UKG)5+1 year
Primary SchoolClass 15+1 year
Primary SchoolClass 2 – Class 56 – 94 years
Middle SchoolClass 6 – Class 810 – 123 years
Secondary SchoolClass 9 – Class 1013 – 142 yearsSecondary School Certificate (SSC)
Higher SecondaryClass 11 – Class 1215 – 162 yearsHigher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
Tertiary Education3-Year Bachelor’s Degree17+3 yearsBachelor’s Degree (General)
4-Year Bachelor’s Degree (Honors)17+4 yearsBachelor’s Degree (Honors)
5-Year Integrated Bachelor’s Degree17+5 yearsDual Bachelor’s Degree
5-Year Integrated Master’s Degree17+5 yearsIntegrated Master’s Degree
Postgraduate Education2-Year Master’s Degree21+2 yearsMaster’s Degree
1-Year Executive Master’s Degree21+1 yearExecutive Master’s Degree
Postgraduate Diploma (PG Diploma)21+1 yearPG Diploma
Postgraduate Certificate (PG Certificate)21+6 months – 1 yearPG Certificate
Vocational/Skill DevelopmentDiploma (Post-12th)18+1 yearDiploma
Advanced Diploma (Post-Diploma)19+1 yearAdvanced Diploma
Integrated Diploma (Post-Class 10)16+3 years Diploma
Skill Development Certifications15+Up to 1 YearSkill Development Certificate
Doctoral EducationPh.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)24+3 yearsDoctorate (Ph.D.)
Language Testing13+6 Levels (Equivalent to 8 std to Diploma)Language Proficiency Certification

Duration May Vary according to Talent of Learners. Executive Masters Required at least 2 Year Experience. Compulsory Internships (Must not Exceed 1 year) not included in duration and also calculate towards experience